To learn

What is my purpose? One is to learn. 

The act of learning fulfills me.  Gaining knowledge that I didn't have before, of getting better at something, gives me a sense of accomplishment. Specifically the act of learning how to make something, something done with my hands, gives me the most fulfillment as what I learn is made manifest in the object made. In the object I can see the proof that I have learned something and that I can put that learning to use. There is little if any gray area. The object is a real world test of my learning, and I can quickly and unequivocally see how well I have learned and what more needs to be learned. It's all very tangible.

For me learning through making is deeper and stays with me longer. The act of learning through making demands more engagement; it's hard to fall asleep when you are working material in your hands. The act of making also allows me to be teacher to myself. While I am making I am discovering how to better a process, or respond to an issue, or work with a material. For me making IS knowing. 

Eric Stark